Barcelona tell Martin Braithwaite and Samuel Umtiti they won't get shirt numbers [1] 0 تعليق 1 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The duo are players the club would dearly love to move on this summer

Barcelona have decided to take drastic measures to free up the squad numbers they need, whatever it takes.

Their patience has run out in cases like those of Martin Braithwaite and Samuel Umtiti.

The former only accepts leaving if they pay his entire contract and sack him, while the Frenchman has been more proactive in finding an exit, but hasn’t taken any opportunity that has come his way and wants to look for a better offer. The club has told them both they will not get a squad number next season and that they they will wait until the 31st of August to sack them if there’s no solution that comes before.

Barcelona were very hopeful of moving Braithwaite onto a new club, and even getting a transfer fee for him with various sides interested.

However neither the striker nor his people have wanted to negotiate, and their attitude has been one of blocking of anything that’s come their way.

So Barcelona are willing to sack him even though they spent €18 million on his signing, but they did not even get a response to that. Barcelona knows that the Danish striker has offers from within Spain and a big money offer from Saudi Arabia, but he’s not signed anything. He wants the rest of his salary and that is what could happen, but only at the end of the market. For now the situation seems stuck.

In terms of Samuel Umtiti, his people are looking for a potential new club, and there have been options to leave, but he’s waiting for a better offer.

He could have signed for a Turkish team, but it seems like the defender does not want to play in that league particularly. He’s hoping to return to Olympique Lyon, but for now no deal has been made with any league side. Barcelona would rather have a friendly solution in terms of loaning him out or letting him go for free, but if there is no answer, Umtiti will have to leave on the 31st of August after being sacked.

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