Pique delivers a dozen invoices to the anti-corruption prosecutor's office

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Gerard Pique has delivered the invoices charged by his company Kosmos Football to the entity Sela Sport Company Limited for the intermediation carried out in the Supercopa de Espana held in Saudi Arabia.

The Barcelona player has voluntarily delivered the documentation. It reportedly consisted of 10 invoices of 800,000 euros "tax free" in which "the alleged performance of consulting work" is reflected.

According to El Mundo, it also insists that Pique defends and justifies such "millionaire" charges for having carried out services related to the promotion, organization, development, staging and management of the tournament.

Likewise, the contracts between the companies from late 2019 and early 2020, when the Supercopa was played for the first time in Saudi Arabia and, in that case, Atletico Madrid, Barcelona, Real Madrid and Valencia faced each other, were also delivered to the Prosecutor's Office.

At the moment, the Prosecutor's Office has all the documentation required from the Royal Football Federation, which was requested once proceedings were opened to see if the commissions received are criminal.

More stress for Pique

It is yet another avenue of stress from outside the pitch for Pique who is locked in a very public separation battle with his former partner Shakira.

The pair are trying to agree terms on where the children will live which could either be in Barcelona with their father or in Miami with their mother.

اخلاء مسئولية! : هذا المحتوى لم يتم انشائة او استضافته بواسطة موقع اخبار الكورة و اي مسؤلية قانونية تقع على عاتق الموقع مصدر الخبر : marca [1] , يتم جمع الاخبار عن طريق خدمة ال RSS المتاحة مجانا للجمهور من المصدر : marca [1] مع الحفظ على حقوق الملكية الخاصة بمصدر الخبر.

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