Barcelona's limited edition Rosalia glow-in-the-dark shirt sells out despite costing 2,000 euros

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For this Sunday's Clasico, Barcelona are going to wear a special Rosalia shirt and they created two special edition replica versions, with one of them, the most expensive, having already sold out.

The shirt is distinguished by the logo of Rosalia's latest album, 'Motomami', on the chest.

It is the glow-in-the-dark edition shirt, with the letters having a phosphorescent effect in certain dim light.

Only 22 units were put on sale on Wednesday, with 11 for men and 11 for women. Each item, signed by the players, was priced at 1,999.99 euros and was only available on the e-commerce platform. In less than 24 hours, they have sold out.

However, the first special edition jerseys, of which there are 1,899 units, are still on sale. They also feature the 'Motomami' logo on the chest and printing dedicated to the artist, with the name Rosalia and the number 1, in reference to the anniversary of her album, on the back.

This version is available at a price of 399.99 euros, both in men's and women's sizes.

The women's football team will also wear the same logo on their jersey during the Barcelona vs Real Madrid match on Saturday, March 25, at the Estadi Johan Cruyff.

Rosalia follows Drake in getting a special Barcelona shirt

This is the second time this season that Barcelona's shirt will change its design, as before Rosalia the team's kit had showcased the logo of Canadian singer and songwriter Drake.

That was during the reverse Real Madrid vs Barcelona fixture on October 16, 2022.

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