The little favours that Negreira may have given Barca [1] 0 تعليق 2 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The club are in trouble for paying the ex-CTA chief over 7 million euros

The report by the Public Prosecutor's Office on the 'Negreira case' lists some of the favours or recommendations for which FC Barcelona paid around 7.5 million euros to the former vice-president of the Technical Committee of Referees (CTA) between 2001 and 2018.

The same statement of complaint from the Prosecutor's Office rules out the purchase of match outcomes through referees, given that there is no evidence of this. These "favours or recommendations", as the document states, are focused on football aspects where the CTA can have influence.

In Enríquez Negreira's version, which is included in the Prosecutor's report, it is indicated that he included "advice or recommendations from a managerial point of view" and "for a better understanding, some examples of recommendations could be:

-That a request be made to extend the number of federative licences so that teams could have more than 25 players each season.

-Request that the Competition Committee (responsible for sanctioning players) should not be composed entirely of judges from Madrid.

-That the club should have an interlocutor with the Federation to take care of institutional relations.

-That the club always send a representative to the farewell tributes to La Liga referees at the end of their careers.

-To recommend which yellow cards or sending-offs could be appealed after a match, because the referee's decision could be technically questionable

-Informing or advising of any institutional visits from the RFEF or the CTA so that the club could maintain good institutional relations.

-Keeping the club informed of possible interests or disagreements between the Federation and the LFP (Professional Football League), or describing candidates for president of the LFP."

The prosecutor's brief also notes that "all ideas and recommendations were based on publicly available information, Jose María Enríquez Negreira shared his 'know how' (criteria, knowledge, experience) as a former international referee and federation director for many years".

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