Bayern Munich suspends Mane after Sane row

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Sadio Mane has been suspended by Bayern Munich following his altercation with Leroy Sane during and after their team's 3-0 Champions League defeat to Manchester City on Tuesday.

The former Liverpool forward will not be included in the squad to face Hoffenheim on Saturday afternoon in the Bundesliga.

"Sadio Mane, 31, will not be included in the FC Bayern squad for this Saturday's home match against 1899 Hoffenheim," read Bayern Munich's statement.

"This is due to his misconduct after Bayern's Champions League match at Manchester City. Mane will also be given a fine."

It has been reported that Mane punched Sane in the face in the dressing after the game before apologising to all his teammates for his actions.

According to Sky, Mane could be suspended for more games, with the German media claiming that his future is up in the air despite his contract running until 2025.

Reports also stress that there are several players who are not fond of Mane's behaviour. Sky does not rule out Mane terminating his contract with the club by mutual consent.

Sadio Mane and Leroy Sane during Bayern Munich training.

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