Zaha admits he has no plan for the future amid Arsenal and Chelsea transfer rumours

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WHAT HAPPENED? Zaha, whose existing contract at Selhurst Park expires at the end of this season, has been repeatedly linked with a move away from the club in recent times. However, in a recent interview he has insisted that he remains focussed on the Eagles, though he refused to commit to Palace beyond the summer.

WHAT THEY SAID: Speaking to Sky Sports, Zaha said, "How many times have I seen my name next to transfer stuff? Me, I never speak on these things. My contract is up when my contract is up - I’m a Crystal Palace player.

"The only thing I’m focussed on is doing well for the club. That’s it. I take every day as it comes because I don’t know what’s going to happen in the future, so I can’t sit here and say: ‘this is my plan for this’. I’m only fixated on what I’m doing in training and what I’m doing Sunday. I’m very devoted to Palace."

THE BIGGER PICTURE: The Ivory Coast international has been in good form this season, appearing in 11 Premier League matches so far for Patrick Vieira's side and scoring five goals.

IN A PHOTO:Getty Images

WHAT NEXT FOR CRYSTAL PALACE? Zaha will be in action for his side on Sunday as they take on West Ham in the Premier League.

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