Casemiro: Anyone who thinks I'm leaving for money doesn't know me

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Casemiro is now Real Madrid history. After his farewell ceremony, his time as a Los Blancos player has come to an end with 18 titles won, including five Champions Leagues.

Casemiro wanted to make it clear that his decision to leave was not an economic one, but rather a response to the need for new challenges, as after winning the last Champions League in Paris he came to the conclusion that his time in Madrid had come to an end.

Casemiro ends his time at Real Madrid and begins a new chapter at Manchester United.

He will take a flight to Manchester to be presented at Old Trafford in the run-up to the game against Liverpool. He will watch the game from the stands.

"Those who think I'm leaving because of money don't know me," Casemiro said.

"I think they are few and they don't know me. It's not because of money. They are wrong. That is not the case."

It wasn't all good for the midfielder at Real Madrid, and he had some tough times at the club as well.

"This is Real Madrid. When you win, you have to win again; when you lose, it's worth nothing," Casemiro said.

"It's Real Madrid. In eight years I've won five European Cups. My value is that I always gave everything on the pitch. I will always remain a Real Madrid fan".

Cristiano Ronaldo was thought to have played a part in convincing the midfielder to move to Old Trafford, though he denies that.

"People should not forget the club I'm going to, the biggest team in the world that can compete with the greatness of Real Madrid, even if they can't do it now," Casemiro said.

"I haven't spoken to Cristiano Ronaldo, hopefully he will stay because he is one of the best players of all time.

"I want to take my values to Manchester United, everything Real Madrid taught me, to win from day to day, from every training session.

"I want to live the Premier League from the inside. At 30 years old I am in the best moment of my career. I enjoy everything I have."

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