Vinicius accuses Valencia fan of racist insults and threatens to leave Mestalla: I don't want to play anymore

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There was chaos at Mestalla as Vinicius accused a fan from the stand where the Valencia ultras are located of racist insults.

Every Real Madrid and Valencia player rushed to the scene and even the police arrived.

"I don't want to play anymore," the cameras caught him say as they focused on the protagonist of the story.

"That one, that one," the Brazilian continually repeated.

Jose Luis Gaya, captain of Valencia, is the player who talked the most with Vinicius after what happened.

He asked for explanations and the Brazilian told him what he has had to put up while there is a barrage of objects thrown from the stands.

The scene had started after a ball from Comert, with a second ball that had been thrown onto the pitch from the stands, which connected with the one Vinicius had in his possession (the ball that was being played with) as he faced Foulquier.

He hit him and knocked the ball away and the referee whistled for a goal kick and had to rectify it after being called on the earpiece by the VAR.

Racist insults at Mestalla

"That one, that one," were the words most repeated by Vinicius in the 70th minute.

The Brazilian heard racist insults and did not hesitate to point out the culprit.

He also let referee De Burgos Bengoetxea know before he went to talk to Ruben Baraja and the field delegate so that they could broadcast the message from the Mestalla public address system against the racist insults.

Mestalla has played with fire and the racist insults suffered by Vinicius from a section of Valencia fans could have cost Baraja's team had De Burgos Bengoetxea applied the three-step rule and the match was in danger of being suspended.

FIFA's recently changed disciplinary code allows referees to suspend a match for racist incidents and even forfeit the match to the offending team.

In the first outburst of insults, De Burgos requested the field delegate to stop the insults and the throwing of objects onto the pitch over the loudspeaker.

Shortly after, it was Vinicius himself who denounced a specific spectator, which forced the stadium's public address system to repeat the scene and the call.

A third warning would have meant the temporary suspension of the match.

At the time, it was the referee himself who reassured the Brazilian.

"Trust me, next time we'll leave," he told him.

FIFA ruling

"Except in exceptional circumstances, if the referee orders the definitive suspension of the match for racist and/or discriminatory conduct, the defeat shall be declared by abandonment or withdrawal," the rules from FIFA state clearly.

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