Barcelona will wear white next season

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According to Sport, Barcelona will return to playing in white next year.

It will be the away kit and the decision was approved by president Joan Laporta and the board of directors a few months ago.

It is worth noting that until the 1970s, Barcelona used to wear white on a regular basis, even winning the final of the Latin Cup in Paris against Nice in 1952 while wearing white.

Moreover, the last player to wear the white shirt of the Catalan team was Johan Cruyff in the 1977/78 season.

There was debate at the club before the decision was taken because of the fact that it is the same colour as the home kit of arch-rivals Real Madrid.

However, it was approved and, Sport reports, the club is convinced that the new white kit, regardless of the criticism, will be one of the best-selling kits in their history.

As for the home kit that Barcelona will wear next season, it will bring back the most classic model used since 1912.

That is to say, the three stripes on the front will once again be the norm, with the front stripes being narrower than in previous years.

The colours will be the classic blue and maroon, and only a few light watermarks will show that this is a 21st century design.

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