'It's for clicks' - Maguire on why he gets criticised

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WHAT HAPPENED? Maguire has endured a tough few seasons and has found himself benched by new United boss Erik ten Hag in recent weeks. However, he was still selected by Gareth Southgate for England's 1-0 UEFA Nations League defeat to Italy on Friday night.

WHAT THEY SAID: "I am not concentrating on anybody else and what people are saying, I think if people can make a story about me, I am Manchester United captain, it is going to make big news," he told talkSPORT after the game.

"So, that is the reason they do it, they like the clicks, and things like that, but I went into the Euros after an eight-week injury, and did not play one game, and got into the team of the tournament. In terms of rustiness, and things like that, I am sure that won’t happen."

THE BIGGER PICTURE: Maguire has not started a Premier League game for his club side in six weeks, but Southgate has repeatedly, and publicly, backed one of his trusted lieutenants. The England boss even claimed there was a "big agenda against" the United defender recently.


WHAT NEXT FOR MAGUIRE? Despite being supported by his international manager, Maguire will be desperate to break back into his club side ahead of the World Cup. United's first game back is against Manchester City in a crunch derby on October 2.

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