Havertz's wife reveals threats after Arsenal's FA Cup exit: "I'm going to go to your house and murder your baby"

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Kai Havertz's partner, Sophia Havertz, denounced threats received through social networks after Arsenal's elimination from the FA Cup in which the German missed a penalty in the shootout.

The Gunners striker, in addition to missing the shot that condemned the team to elimination, also missed several clear chances during the match.

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Havertz's wife reveals threats after Arsenal's FA Cup exit:

His partner Sophia Havertz postedseveral messages she received on Sunday afternoon, threatening towards her and her family.

"I hope you have an abortion" and "I'm going to go to your house and murder your baby, I'm not joking", were the two messages posted by the footballer's wife.

Havertz's wife reveals threats after Arsenal's FA Cup exit:

"That someone thinks it's okay to send these messages is something that shocks me. I hope you're ashamed of yourself", Sophia replied to the first, while in the second she said: "I don't even know what to say, but please be more respectful. We are better than this".

Arsenal are investigating the matter and will take action against the people behind these accounts who have also already been reported to Instagram.

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