I am a cat expert and here are five tips on saying goodbye to your beloved feline at the end of their life

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Losing a beloved pet is among the saddest events many people experience, and saying goodbye is extremely hard.

Now, a leading feline therapist and cat groomer has shared five tips on how to ensure you and your cat have the best goodbye possible.

Holistic feline therapist Katie Gwilt, who runs Liverpool-based business The Kat Lady, works with a lot of elderly and sick cats.

In addition, she cared for two of her own cats when they took their final breaths.

And the feline expert wants to help make the final journey for your pampered puss as smooth and serene as possible. 

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is an extremely difficult experience for many people. Now a cat expert has shared her tips on how to cope with the loss (stock image)

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is an extremely difficult experience for many people. Now a cat expert has shared her tips on how to cope with the loss (stock image)

Saying goodbye to a beloved pet is an extremely difficult experience for many people. Now a cat expert has shared her tips on how to cope with the loss (stock image)

She said: 'Sometimes we don't get any warning when accidents happen and other times we spend time nursing and giving palliative care to the cats in our lives. 

Either way, saying goodbye is equally difficult. So how do we deal with this type of loss? 

'Does it affect other animals in our care?

'When we bring an animal into our home and lives we sign up for the good, the bad and everything in between. 

'As a living being like us, eventually this life will end, and hopefully we can be there to give the necessary care as needed.

'We can support our animals in times of suffering and pain in the same way we would support human loved ones. 

'Our vets can help us with any necessary medication to ease ailments as needed and we can surround them with love and gratitude.'

Here, FEMAIL shares Katie's tips for saying goodbye to your beloved cat...

Among the tips shared by cat expert Katie Gwilt are to take care of yourself and to look out for the other animals in your home (stock image)

Among the tips shared by cat expert Katie Gwilt are to take care of yourself and to look out for the other animals in your home (stock image)

1. Take care of yourself – your cat will benefit

While going through the process of saying goodbye, we need to make sure that we take care of ourselves too. 

Grief affects us all differently and some may even see a physical illness manifest in our body. 

Cats are very sensitive creatures and pick up on our emotional and physical health, so keeping ourselves well will also help support them.

2. Get help

Whether it be from your supportive vet, or even from an animal healer like myself, please reach out and ask for help. 

It can be difficult to explain to children what is happening and this is where animal healers and holistic therapists can help to bring support and perspective.

When one animal in the household suddenly disappears, this can cause concern among your other animals who wonder where their companion is now (stock image)

When one animal in the household suddenly disappears, this can cause concern among your other animals who wonder where their companion is now (stock image)

3. Look out for the other animals in your home 

Other animals also grieve, although not in quite the same way as humans. They feel love like us but don't have the concept of looking backwards in the same way we do. 

They live much more in the present so they wonder where their companion is now rather than worrying about where they will go in the future.

4. Stay with your pet 

At that final moment of saying goodbye it can be very difficult, but please steal yourself and stay with your cat. 

Your cat looks to you for support and comfort, and will go much more peacefully with your calming words and cuddles when the moment comes.

When losing a companion animal, it may help you to think about the good times, according to holistic feline therapist Katie Gwilt (stock image)

When losing a companion animal, it may help you to think about the good times, according to holistic feline therapist Katie Gwilt (stock image)

5. Think about the good times

Meditation and healing can help to remind you of all the lovely times you shared with your feline companion and focus on them in the present as being everything they need you to be. 

Helping you to relax a little can help soothe your cat too as they are so sensitive to our moods and feelings. 

Holistic therapists like myself can also offer healing and support for the cat too with sensory enrichment and nutrition.

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