Relief for Bayern & Canada as Davies avoids serious injury

GOAL 0 تعليق 3 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

WHAT HAPPENED? The full-back had to be substituted off after an hour into the international friendly because of an injury and was replaced by Ike Ugbo.

WHAT THEY SAID: Speaking after the game, coach Herdman told reporters: "We're examining Alphonso now, but he looked OK on the bench, just like after the game. He was also in good spirits, so I don't think it's too bad."

THE BIGGER PICTURE: The news that the 21-year-old has not sustained a serious injury will be a positive for the national team and Bayern Munich. Both teams have been sweating over his fitness a lot this year, as he was kept out for three months because of Covid-19 and a heart issue.


WHAT NEXT FOR DAVIES? Canada are in action again on Tuesday when they take on Uruguay in another international friendly and Davies could be eligible to feature in that match.

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