Chelsea offer Marcos Alonso to Barça as part of De Jong deal [1] 0 تعليق 2 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

The Dutchman has so far resisted a move away from Camp Nou but the Blues are interested

Chelsea and Barcelona are working on a deal for Frenkie de Jong and Marcos Alonso could be included in the operation. The London side have bid 70 million euros plus Alonso for the Dutchman and are convinced the deal could work, although they still have to convince the midfielder. In the case that De Jong does not want to go to Chelsea, the club would sell Marcos Alonso for less than 10m euros to Barcelona.

De Jong’s people are not sure about a move and are even looking at reducing his salary to stay and have a place at Barcelona. If that is not possible then De Jong will speak with Chelsea and see if there could be an agreement.

Alonso, for now, is calm, and knows he may have to wait a couple of weeks before any deal is sorted. His agreement with Barcelona is sealed. He has asked not to play this weekend to help him avoid injuries and not potentially ruin his move.

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