The Barcelona coaching job might be too big for Xavi

marca [1] 0 تعليق 4 ارسل طباعة تبليغ حذف

Being one of the best footballers in the world does not guarantee you'll go on to be a great coach. Xavi Hernandez, as a coach, has shown few ideas, even though he has a great team at Barcelona.

In the press conferences and in the post-match, Xavi is comfortable. But, in the matches, during the 90 minutes, he lacks a lot of experience.

Xavi offers his opinions after seeing the match. The greatest coaches in the history of the sport correct during the match. They also surround themselves with assistant coaches who advise them and provide them with knowledge that makes them better.

It is true that he has had to manage a very tough period in the club and that he will win many matches with the squad that president Joan Laporta has put together for him, with the activation of the famous levers, but what is being seen is clear. The Barcelona dugout might be too big for Xavi.

Of course, the same thing was said when names like Pep Guardiola, the late Tito Vilanova or the current Spanish coach Luis Enrique arrived at this demanding bench, before they then changed the history of the Blaugrana.

We will have to wait and hope that Laporta and the Cules don't get nervous if the sporting successes do not come.

Because, after so many levers, all eyes will be on Xavi and he will have to prove that he is more than ready to lead Barcelona.

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